Personal Property Limits

Whether you are a homeowner, condo owner, or a renter, your insurance has personal property coverage. On a homeowner’s policy, it tends to be much more than on a renters policy. If you are a homeowner, you may have more … Continued

Full Coverage On An Auto Policy: What Does It Mean?

Many people use the term “full coverage” when talking about their auto policy, but what does that term really mean? “Full coverage” can mean different things to different people. For example, one person might think they have full coverage because … Continued

Who you should take financial advice from

We all have that friend or family member who, when you ask about a specialist, they say “Oh, I’ve got a guy!” Whether it’s a plumber, painter, CPA, or financial advisor, everyone seems to “have a guy”. When meeting with … Continued

Are you prepared for higher taxes?

There are two things in life that are guaranteed: death and…. taxes. We all pay taxes, and we all dread the realization of how much we pay in taxes. However, historically speaking, we are in the 4th lowest tax rate … Continued